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Skin care tips & latest scientific updates regarding skin diseases, products & procedures.

Top 10 tips to get rid of acne

Here we discuss some common skin care tips for acne prone skin, which would help you control and prevent acne flares and blemishes.

How to reduce a keloid scar?

What is a keloid scar? How does a keloid scar develop? Read on to know the most common treatment options for minimising a hypertrophic or keloid scar.

Leprosy: what everyone should know

What is leprosy? How does leprosy spread? Is there a treatment for leprosy? We’ll explain what you (& everyone) should know about leprosy in the simplest of articles ever written on this topic.

How to reduce an atrophic acne scar?

Most common modalities to effectively reduce acne scars are dermaroller treatment or laser resurfacing by fractional CO2 lasers.

Why do I sweat too much?

When should sweating be called excessive? What are the causes of too much sweat? When should one consult a doctor for excessive sweating?

Why do I sweat too much?

Why do I sweat too much?

When should sweating be called excessive? What are the causes of too much sweat? When should one consult a doctor for excessive sweating?

What is keratin hair straightening?

What is keratin hair straightening?

What is the difference between keratin hair straightening & hair rebonding? How to choose which technique would better suit your hair straightening needs? This article help you out.

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