Have you ever wished that just peel away signs of aging from your skin? Well, skin specialists use a procedure known as chemical peel to improve the appearance of your skin. Let’s learn all about chemical peels today.

What is chemical peel?

Chemical peel is a procedure where a solution of a defined strength is applied to the skin. This causes controlled shedding of skin cells followed by formation of new layer of skin. The results are improvement of texture, reduction of hyperpigmentation and mild wrinkling, and skin rejuvenation.

When is chemical peel done?

A chemical peel is best used to treat pigmentary problems as melasma  and early photoaging changes as fine wrinkles, coarse skin texture, and unhealthy skin tone. It is also helpful in treatment of conditions like acne.

How is a chemical peel done?

Chemical peel procedures are preceded by priming of skin with sunscreens and depigmenting agents for 2-3 weeks. After determining the skin type and major skin issues, an appropriate peeling agent chosen. The area to be peeled is cleaned, degreased and the appropriate concentration of peel is applied and left on the skin for a an appropriate time. A mild tingling sensation is expected but disappears when the peel is washed off. Generally a ittle extra dryness & slight redness appears that lasts a few hours to a day. It is almost always possible to return to work the same or certainly the next day. Generally 4 to 6 sittings are required at an interval of 15 days for best results.

What precautions are to be taken after a chemical peel?

Chemical peel removes tough dead skin and exposes the new delicate skin, which is to be protected from harsh chemicals and environment until the new skin layer forms. So some precautions to be followed are:

  • Wash gently and use non soap cleanser. Do not rub or use scrub or abrasive agents.
  • Use broad spectrum sunscreen every 4 hours in daytime and other physical methods (umbrella ) for sun protection for first few weeks.
  • Use moisturiser for feeling of tightness as frequently as desired, till skin returns to normal.
  • Facial procedures like steaming, scrubbing, waxing, bleaching or facial should be avoided for first ten days after chemical peel.
  • Irritants like detoll, scrubs, loofahs and other harsh chemicals to be avoided.
  • If there is excessive crusting or redness, consult your doctor immediately.

What are the possible side effects of a chemical peel?

Side effects with newer gel based peels are essentially few. These may occur either in sensitive skins, or when a patient fails to follow basic precautions. The side effects may include:

  • Burning sensation
  • Pigmentary changes like darkening or lightening of skin colour
  • Allergic reactions
  • Scarring (in case of deep peels)

We find it reassuring to tell you that dermatologists have been performing chemical peels for more than 50 years, with an excellent safety profile.


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Dr Nitin Ranjan

Consultant dermatologist at Dermacosm clinic
Dr Nitin Ranjan is a consultant dermatologist at Dermacosm clinic. He possesses more than 7 years of experience in diagnosing & treating all skin, hair, and nail diseases.
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